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Up and coming code hacker or homebrew developer? Want to advertise your work/website in the cheat.dat(if you're a homebrew developer or code hacker)? Want someone to host your cheats and/or website online? If yes to any of those questions, please email: or PM me here I'll be glad to offer free hosting subdomains for those who wish to contribute to the Gaming community. Also, this.dat does not condone Wifi cheating, if you find a cheat that works online, please be the better man(or woman) and notify me. Animal Crossing codes DO NOT WORK, DO NOT ASK FOR ANIMAL CROSSING CODES. Please use Rayder's CHEAT.dat from now on, it is available through his sig. Cheat Code Database for R4DS, N5DS, M3 Simply, DS Top Toy.

NDS / Cheat files / Cheat DB Compatibility Group 2. Basically you can take the easy way, download the Rayder's Massive Cheat Database HERE. Contents Step 1: Downloading the required files If you're reading this, you're probably wanting to add cheats to a game.